Monday, August 11, 2008


I moved away from Ohio back in February of this year. Quiet honestly, sometimes I miss it! It's soooo hot here in the Summer that I miss the 'coolness' of Ohio evenings LOL! I know I'm going to miss seeing all the Autumn colors in October, it was always my favorite time of year. I'll probably miss that first time in April when you're outside and suddenly it dawns on you that there's COLOR again! You get so used to a color palete of white (snow), gray (snow mixed with 'salt' on the side of the road), and brown (anything that isn't white or gray), that it's an amazing moment when you suddenly notice things have a tinge of green again.

But, I live in Paradise!!! The average temp in February here is in the mid 70's!!! Arriving here via plane in the Winter is like when Dorothy opened the door to OZ! Suddenly you're overwhelmed by alllll the different colors and how vibrant they are! To see flowers in full-bloom, to pluck a ripe orange (or lemon or grapefruit) off a tree on New Years Eve... it's great!
Even the sunsets here are 'different' than they are up north...

And you never know what you're going to see when you look out the window...

Did you know tree-frogs make noise??? A really obnoxious noise LOL!

This guy's in my front yard...

And there's always a favorite form of recreation LOL...

Yeah, there's definately worse places to live!


Serenity Everton said...

I've been away from Indiana for, oh, 11 years now. And away from *my* part of the state for 15.

But it's still home. And yes, I got over the urge to call the one I left behind. Or, rather, the one who didn't want me so that I had the chance to leave him behind. I was just a kid in those days, but I think leaving and staying gone made my life what it was, eventually.

But damn, the four-five years I was alone and lonely were hard. Really hard.

I still get homesick for "home". But not for HIM.


Heartzlady said...

I still get homesick for 'him' too, when does this awful feeling end???

Robin said...

Over time you get used to a new normal -- you will never be exactly the person you were before. I had to learn this when my Dad died and had to face that my life might be changing radically back in February when my husband threatened divorce (it took me a good 2 months before I could even think that things might work out, and even now certain things he says and does bring it all back).
Throw yourself into your new life -- gives you less time to brood :)
Glad to see you blogging again.
